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Who We Are & 
Why we do what we do

As a child of God, I have a passion for WORSHIP and the WORD of my Heavenly Father and to bring HEAVEN to earth.

Psalms 29:2 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

My worship journey started in 2016 when I first danced with worship flags. I loved to worship the Lord, and created flags as the Holy Spirit lead me. During this time from 2015, I manufactured Christian clothing and fabric items. My goal was to clothe people with the word of God. That would change people's hearts, right? Unfortunately... this wasn't true. I realised that nothing changed... and I started asking the Lord to show me how I can bring heaven to earth.

In 2021, I asked the Lord what I am missing? People's hearts were not changed... There had to be more... I asked Him to show me how I can help with  REALLY changing people's hearts and lives through the word of God..

It was then that the Lord called me to go into prophetic worship ministry. I stopped making Christian clothing and items, and started to create only prophetic worship flags. This was a HUGE step of faith I took, but God was so faithful to me through this journey. Obedience definitely brings blessings and heavenly rewards.

I realised that when people lifted up the worship flags, their hearts were changed... YES!!! Mission accomplished!!! GLORY to God the Father.

My passion is to help people connect with the HOLY SPIRIT so that He can teach them to flow with Him through worship music as He teaches them their own unique style of worship and dancing. We all have a melody that we need to release here on earth with our worship.

Surrendering to the Father's heart as His voice leads you into heavenly melodies, this is HEAVEN on earth. Connecting with the JESUS as ONE, being entangled with the KING of Kings, LORD of Lords.... 

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